May 22, 2018
Workshop: „How to maintenance your dry minilab”
We are happy to invite you to the next training, during which we will present and explain the issues related to the usage, configuration, profiling and maintenance of the printers, and the support for DLS software.
The meeting will take place on 14/06/2018 at Falter’s Headquarter.
ul. Poznańska 69, 62-045 Pniewy / Poland from 9am to 4pm.
Training program:
Operating and maintaining Drylab Fujifilm Frontier-S DX100 / Epson SureLab D700 printers
How to use the driver and it’s tools
Choosing the right consumables
DLS Program – processor’s Image Configuration
Settings and support for the Print Maker
Color profiles
The training is addressed to people professionally involved in photography: wedding photographers, studio or advertising photographers, employees of advertising agencies and printing houses, students of art academies and anyone interested in inkjet printing.
The cost of training – PLN 100 gross.
The training will be held in polish only. But if you are interested in this training held in english, please let us know.
Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the training and a voucher worth PLN 100 to be used to purchase of Solution products.
The number of places is limited.
To register your participation, please contact us: +48 61 29 38 300 or e-mail: